Survival driving game developed by students at DigiPen

Nitronic Rush: End of the World Update (#5)

Since it’s the end of world (or something like that), we thought that it would probably be the best time to release some finished and not so finished features we’ve been developing for Nitronic Rush on the side of our normal jobs. For a quick overview, check out our latest video:

We now finally have a small patch that includes all of these features if you already have the last version installed, v.2012.06.19. You can download it or the latest installer here:

>> Download: Nitronic Rush v.2012.12.21.0

Before you start looking for these features, please make sure to read these descriptions:

LAN Auto-Discovery pseudo-multiplayer (developed by Chris Barrett)

The multiplayer mode unfortunately has no in-game menus, but instead it works in a way where 2 or more people playing on the same local area network (LAN) can automatically connect and see ghosts of each other’s cars. There is no collision between the cars, but you can see all of their movements and explosions.

By default there is a cooperative mode enabled which we had been testing as a potential mode for Distance, and it works in that being near another player keeps you cooled down, and being far away automatically heats both cars. If you stay too far away for too long both of you will eventually blow up (unless you do some tricks to stay cool). Racing together keeps both of you cool, so if you’re synchronized well you can make it through the whole level without heating up.

If you want to race against each other without the cooperative mode, you need to simply disable the heating and cooling feature in the config files (in \config\) for some options regarding these things. You can also use this file to supply IP addresses to play others over the internet!

Automatic Level Generation

To create randomly generated levels, follow these instructions to enable the level editor, and use the menu on the right side of the screen to pick a random seed and generate a level. This was developed as a CS380 project at DigiPen by Shawn Pierce and Chris Barrett.

NVIDIA 3D Vision Support

Andrew Nollan reworked several of our shaders and the graphics engine to best support NVIDIA 3D Vision. If you have a 3D monitor and NVIDIA glasses you can now play the highest quality 3D available for games today with Nitronic Rush!

Bugs Fixed

    • Arrow keys no longer subtlely rotate the car when driving with the keyboard. This should help prevent deaths due to confusingly short jumps.
Achievement Additions

    • LAN Party
Level Additions

    • Community Hardcore
      • CRUIS’N EGYPT (by Fzeroman)
    • Community Challenge
      • Totally Tubular (by Fzeroman)
New Features

    • Added LAN Auto-Discovery pseudo-multiplayer alpha test
    • Added Automatic Level Generation from CS380 (in level editor)
    • Added NVIDIA 3D Vision Support

19 Responses to “Nitronic Rush: End of the World Update (#5)”

  1. […] Read the details about Update #5 (v.2012.12.21.0) here:… […]

  2. Mitch says:

    First of all, is it live multiplayer? or just ghost recording?
    If it is live, we can’t seem to get it working. Could it work through hamachi, seeing as we aren’t in the same LAN? And how long should the wait time be? I’m not sure if our rotable ip has anythiung to do with it…

  3. […] and Automatic Level Generation.  You can grab Nitronic Rush free of charge from the official site and check out our interview with the team on […]

  4. josh says:

    how do you enable multiplayer? do you just go to the same map?

  5. phil says:

    3D Vision Support!! You are aweseome guys! That was my most desired feature (and the random/trackgenerator). Thank you!! Gonna download and try it this evening.

  6. Damian says:

    Simple request: Being able to change music in the editor/level generator. Home is a nice soundtrack and all, but I’ll get tired of it after 30 minutes of traveling randomly generated levels.

  7. Je tenais � souligner par cet avis personnel que je suis r�joui de la teneur de ce blog. Une fois n’est pas coutume les commentaires ne sont pas plomb�s par du spam de commentaires et on peut donc tenir un vrai d�bat. Bravo au webmaster, c’est motivant.

  8. sotaio says:

    how do you use auto lan, where do you go for it?

  9. Tajnymag says:

    Is there option to play multiplayer on same pc?I mean 1 keyboard – 2 players OR 1 keyboard, 1 controller?For racing games this system is perfect and friend doesn’t need to have laptop.

  10. butthurt, bitch says:

    its awesome

  11. Mapsking says:

    After downloading the update, the game plays fine, works beautifully, except it absolutely refuses to exit. The menu>quit game option works, I select yes, and then I get a black full screen with a thin white border around it. Task Manager will not force it to quit, the only thing I can do is restart the computer. Any ideas why this is happening, or more importantly, how do I fix it? I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

    Thanks, Mapsking

  12. Justin says:

    Would it be possible for an update that allows custom gamepad mapping? I use a Dualshock 2 through a USB adapter, and I don’t own a 360 controller so i’m stuck with keyboard controls. I’d love to be able to use my PS2 steering wheel as well.

  13. 3D Vision Support!! You are aweseome guys! That was my most desired feature (and the random/trackgenerator). Thank you!! Gonna download and try it this evening.

  14. DJ hay says:

    I went over this site and I believe you might have a lot of exceptional info , saved to favorites (:.

  15. jason says:

    how can i play the game online

  16. 3D Vision Support!! You are aweseome guys! That was my most desired feature (and the random/trackgenerator). Thank you!! Gonna download and try it this evening.

  17. […] Read the details about Update #5 (v.2012.12.21.0) here:… […]

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